
The Order of Sisters of Seshat is a sororal order of the Western Magical Tradition. The order offers a series of initiatory experiences. Each initiation opens a gate of mystery to the powers of the elements and the planets and aligns these with women’s life experiences.

Any self-identified woman from any magical tradition is welcome. Women who have taken the initiations have been Witches, Golden Dawn magicians, Thelemites, and even beginners who have never done any form of magic before. The rituals are published so any women who want to experience them can do them. There’s no central authority and no membership obligation, each person and group is independent.

Each initiation starts with the temple ritual which invokes Seshat, the Kemetic (Egyptian) netjer or goddess of writing. She is also the goddess who was invoked to lay the foundations of the ancient temples. We invoke her to create the physical temple we work in and also to create the magical temple or container for each of the initiations.

The Order of the Sisters of Seshat is explained in detail in my book The Woman Magician, Revisioning Western Metaphysics from a Woman’s Perspective and Experience. The Isis-Nepthys Temple performs initiations during the summer in Washington state and also performs virtual initiations. Whether you meet us in person, meet us online, or get together with your friends to do your own initiations, we welcome you to explore magia femina, the magic of women.